Welcome to my group's homesite! :)
First, i should tell you how to use this site, because here you can fin some
quite strange, weird methods of linking sites, menus with backgrounds etc.
It's quite easy, you'll see .... You have to watch out for only 2 things:
signs on background can be linked, but you cannot click on them .... - nice,
ain't it? :) but, next to the signs/options you'll find a sign <>
you can click on this sign - unfortunately, this sign is nearly invisible for
you -> that's why I didn't link the whole words n expressions .... - you
wouldn't be able to see them! :) So, please, search for these <> signs, and
click on them! :)
consider, that the page is under construction! - so, you can see these <> signs everywhere, but they're not always hidhing links .... but they are to, soon! :)
on the right, you can see a menu with red-white-green background .... If you haven't realized it yet, it's the Hungarian flag! :) As I am Hungarian, I've decided on establishing a penpal club for those Hungarians who wanna
correspondwith other Hungarians, but don't speak (or just don't wanna
exchange letters) in English! :) ->So, it's the Hungarian "translation" of my
groupsite .... TIP: if you don't understand it, don't click on it! :)
if you have ANY problem, feel free to contact me!
or, if you find signing-up too difficult, let me know about it, and I'll try to simplify it! :)
if i put a sentence in the menu, asking to press Shift button while clicking
on the links, please, press it! - just to stay on this page, and open the other at the same time! :) - Thanks! :D
I think that's all .... Oh, yeah: if you have any questions, you know who t
contact! :D
enjoy the page and the group!
have a nice time here!
best wishes,
StAn |